3co03 task 1 assignment example
- October 4, 2023
- Posted by: Scarlett
- Category: CIPD Level 3

Task One: Ethical Practice Paper
AC 1.1 Explain what is meant by ‘ethical principles’ and ‘professional values’ and how these might inform the way people approach their work.
Ethical principles are the core behaviours acceptable in an organisational that promote the development of employee well-being and include values such as honesty, integrity, openness, fairness and equality. Additionally, professional values are behaviours adopted by people professionals in an organisation, and they include consistency, reliability, valuing others, and honesty (CIPD, 2022). People professionals in an organisation should adopt ethical principles and professional behaviours to manage the organisation effectively and enhance the development of a positive working environment for employees.
Ethical principles and professional values inform the way people approach their work as they lead to the development of a positive organisational culture (CIPD, 2022). For example, people professionals in an organisation play a significant role in the decision-making process. Through the application of professional values of valuing others, they could implement employee involvement in decision-making. There are various procedures that can be adopted to ensure that employees contribute to various aspects, such as through the use of surveys or focused group discussions. Through these professional values, the organisation develops a positive culture and thus employees approach their work with a positive impact.
Additionally, ethical principles and professional values inform the way people approach their work by enhancing employee motivation due to the development of fairness and openness from organisational managers (Vallaster et al., 2019). Fairness is an essential attribute that enhances the development of employee well-being and creates a motivation for employees to perform their duties effectively. For example, people professionals could enhance fairness in the organisation by giving employees equal opportunities for development or reward. This follows the implementation of an evaluation criterion which is acknowledged and accepted by all employees. Through this, employees’ approach to work is enhanced as they are motivated to perform duties and attain their specific targets and this enhances organisational development and success.
AC 1.2 Identify a piece of legislation and a Code of Practice that supports ethical and professional practice, with examples of how a people professional would conform to these.
A legislation can be described as a law that has been set by a given country, and it governs various aspects of organisational performance. For instance, the Irish government legislation: Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, is a set of laws that have been established to guide health practitioners on effective professional practices (Wilson et al., 2018). This legislation supports ethical and professional practice through the development of laws such as ensuring that medical practitioners have applied honesty and integrity. For example, in enhancing honesty, health practitioners should ensure that patients undergo all the required procedures effectively to enhance effective treatment. People professionals in an organisation could conform to these legislations through an effective understanding of the guidelines of the law and evaluating the impact of breaking the law. Organisations can implement people professional training programmes and educate them on the components of the legislation and identify the benefits of the legislation to both individuals and the organisation.
Health and Safety Act of 2021 is an effective code of practice that is applied in various countries to enhance the development of effective organisational practices (Reese, 2018). The code of practice states that employees should be provided with a secure working environment which enhances the development of employee well-being. People professionals in an organisation could conform to this code of practice by implementing effective security measures for employees. For example, people professionals can ensure that the organisation’s premises are fitted with fire response equipments such as extinguishers and smoke detectors. Additionally, people professionals can educate employees on various security measures, and this enhances the development of a safe working environment.
AC 2.1 Describe how a people professional would demonstrate respectful and inclusive working in relation to:
- contributing views and opinions
People professionals could implement employee involvement in decision-making to support employees into contributing to views and opinions. This can be implemented through the application of various procedures, such as the use of surveys or focused group discussions. In this case, employees give their feedback regarding various aspects of the organisation, thus enhancing their contribution to views and opinions (CIPD, 2022).
For example, people professionals can collect employees’ feedback to determine their views on the adoption of modern technology in the organisation. Through contributing views and opinions, people professionals are in a position to identify leadership skills among employees, and these can be natured to enhance the development of the organisation.
- clarifying problems or issues
People professionals would demonstrate respect in clarifying problems or issues effectively through the formulation and implementation of effective policies that guide the operations of the organisation. These policies are aimed at creating a path in which operations and conflicts are solved (CIPD, 2022). Through this, people professionals can effectively clarify and solve issues in reference to the existing policies. Additionally, people professionals can educate employees on various conflict resolution methods, and this enhances effective clarification of problems and issues as employees have a good understanding of the procedures. Clarifying problems and issues leads to the development of effective communication strategies which guide in building of trust between employees and organisational managers. Additionally, through effective communication, people professionals easily identify various challenges employees are going through and adopt effective response actions.
- working effectively as part of a team
People professionals can enhance working effectively as part of the team and enhance respect through a clear allocation of roles for employees. This enhances the effective and smooth operation of duties, and employees are in a position to attain their targets (Sanyal and Hisam, 2018). Additionally, to develop an effective team, people professionals can implement and enhance the development of teamwork. This entails allocating duties to employees in teams, and this helps them work together to achieve a common goal. People professionals can also work together with the employees by acting as role models and guiding employees in the effective performance of duties. Moreover, working effectively as a team leads to the development of innovation, reduces the cost of operation and leads to increased productivity. Once employees work together, ideas are generated, and this leads to the implementation of new practices, which leads to the attainment of the organisation’s main strategic goals.
AC 2.2 Summarise different ways a people professional would stay up-to-date with people practice and world of work issues and developments, highlighting two ways in particular that you have personally found effective.
People professionals in an organisation can stay up-to-date with various people practices through the adoption of modern technology and identifying various trends. I have found this procedure effective as in the modern society, technology has taken a major part of developments and communication (Ardelin, 2020). As a people professional to identify people practices in the world of work of issues and developments, one can adopt the use of social media platforms. Various organisations discuss various developments and seek insights from the public through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Additionally, through modern technology, various organisations publish their reports on their websites highlighting various developments that they have adopted and their impact on organisational development. Through this, a professional can effectively identify the world of work issues and developments.
Additionally, people professionals can stay up-to-date with people practices through attending seminars which focus on various developments in people practices. These seminars are coordinated by various organisations, which might be independent entities or by the government (CIPD., 2022). Through this, people professionals are educated on the current developments in people practices, and this enhances an individual’s skills to enhance organisational development. I have found this procedure effective as the organisations effectively evaluate the benefits and challenges of the new developments, and this guides people professionals in taking caution and understanding effective procedures to be implemented to enhance organisational development.
Ardelin, L.U.M.I., 2020. The impact of digitalisation on human resources development. Prizren Social Science Journal, 4(3), pp.39-46. http://prizrenjournal.com/index.php/PSSJ/article/view/178 [accessed on December 16, 2022]
CIPD. (2022) https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/culture/ethics/role-hr-factsheet [accessed on December 16, 2022]
CIPD. (2022)https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/fundamentals/relations/communication/voice-factsheet [accessed on December 16, 2022]
Reese, C.D., 2018. Occupational health and safety management: a practical approach. CRC press.
https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.1201/9781351228848/occupational-health-safety-management-charles-reese [accessed on December 16, 2022]
Sanyal, S. and Hisam, M.W., 2018. The impact of teamwork on work performance of employees: A study of faculty members in Dhofar University. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 20(3), pp.15-22. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shouvik-Sanyal/publication/325287860_The_Impact_of_Teamwork_on_Work_Performance_of_Employees_A_Study_of_Faculty_Members_in_Dhofar_University/links/5b040753a6fdccf9e4f7cdfd/The-Impact-of-Teamwork-on-Work-Performance-of-Employees-A-Study-of-Faculty-Members-in-Dhofar-University.pdf [accessed on December 16, 2022]
Vallaster, C., Kraus, S., Lindahl, J.M.M. and Nielsen, A., 2019. Ethics and entrepreneurship: A bibliometric study and literature review. Journal of Business Research, 99, pp.226-237. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0148296319301407 [accessed on December 16, 2022]
Wilson, D.M., Murphy, J., Nam, M.A., Fahy, A. and Tella, S., 2018. Nurse and midwifery prescribing in Ireland: A scope‐of‐practice development for worldwide consideration. Nursing & health sciences, 20(2), pp.264-270. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/nhs.12408 [accessed on December 16, 2022]
- 3CO03 Task 2 Assignment Example
- 3CO03 Core Behaviours for People Professionals
What is the primary objective of task 1 in 3CO03?
The main goal of task 1 in 3CO03 is to evaluate your ability to analyze a given business scenario, identify ethical issues or challenges, and propose ethical solutions or strategies to address them.
How should I structure my response for task 1?
A well-structured response for task 1 should typically include an introduction to the scenario, a clear identification of the ethical issues, a discussion of the ethical theories or frameworks you’re applying, and recommendations or strategies to resolve the ethical dilemmas.
Are there specific ethical theories or frameworks I should use in task 1?
Task 1 generally expects you to apply ethical theories or frameworks that are relevant to the scenario provided. Common ethical frameworks include utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and stakeholder theory, among others.
Should I consider the legal aspects of the scenario in task 1?
While legal considerations are important, the primary focus of task 1 is on ethical issues. You should certainly mention any legal aspects that are relevant to the scenario, but the emphasis should be on ethical analysis and solutions.
How do I ensure that my ethical recommendations are comprehensive and well-supported in task 1?
To ensure your ethical recommendations are comprehensive and well-supported, make sure to:
1. Clearly define the ethical issues and dilemmas.
2. Apply relevant ethical theories or frameworks to analyze the situation.
3. Discuss the potential consequences of your proposed solutions.
4. Address the interests and concerns of relevant stakeholders.
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